Diversity and Inclusion is the Heart of our Business!
PVM’s mission of creating new possibilities for quality living is directly linked to our strong commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice (DEIJ). By fostering diverse and inclusive teams across the organization, we bolster the collective effort towards quality and purposeful living.
Presbyterian Villages of Michigan (PVM) will intentionally value and build upon a diverse and inclusive resident, client, employee, board, business partner, volunteer, donor, community, and other stakeholder population.
- Awareness: Regular celebrations, events, and discussion groups keep diversity, equity and inclusion awareness high among employees.
- Education: We prioritize diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in both New Employee Orientations and continuous employee training to establish a sense of belonging and empowerment.
- Recruitment: PVM is mindful of our recruitment endeavors and aims to maintain diversity in our workforce. We are committed to inclusive hiring practices, which involve actively seeking individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
PVM’s work towards diversity, equity, inclusion and justice is ongoing.
“When I look at you through my eyes, I know you are different. When I see through my heart, I know we are the same!”-Doe Zantamata